Love in Goa web series cineprime cast name manvi chugh and Priyanka Biswas.


So friends, in today's you will know whether you should watch Love in Goa or save your time. Primeshots is bringing together a combo combination of two actresses for the first time, 📌

In which Manvi Chugh and Priyanka Biswas are going to be seen together. Where the chemistry between these two will turn into physics, which will blow your mind. The story is about two girls who go out to Goa in search of fun where they bump into each other and the two become friends. After which their friendship becomes so deep that they start walking, drinking, singing, dancing together.

Love in goa cast Priyanka Biswas
Priyanka Biswas. 

One day Nisha's mother calls her back home, then Nisha brings the biological along with her and introduces the family members to her friend Bol, after which Nisha's mother understands the whole story and on which her mother gives her a lot. narrates. Mother says that there is a king and queen in every story but Nisha says that in my story we are the only queens. So friends, now that you have come to know the story, then decide for yourself whether you should watch this series or not. The series will release on the Cineprime app on 23 September 2022. So friends that's all in this article.

Love in goa cast Manvi Chugh
Manvi Chugh. 

Love in goa web series cast. 

  1. Manvi Chugh.
  2. Priyanka Biswas.
  3. Aayat shaikh.

Love in Goa web series information.

Release date: 23 September 2022.

Ott platform name: Cineprime.

Webseries Genre: Romantic and suspense.

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